Glyos Wiki
Bio-Mass Monster Zeta Monster
Zeta type Evil Monsters
Vital statistics
Name Bio-Mass Monster Zeta Monster
Species Bio-Mass Monster
Origin Sectivorus


A crossover release between TheGodBeast and Bio-Masters. The matching Kabuto Mushi figures are Zeta Scarab and Reverse Zeta Scarab for larger combined creations.


Bio-Mass Monster Zeta Monster[]

Production Bio-Mass Monster Zeta Monster. Neon Bluegreen and Neon Salmon with paint applications. Includes Neon Bluegreen Axis Joint Set. Glyos compatible. 32 parts. Released on December 16th, 2016. $18 each.

Bio-Mass Monster Zeta Monster Reverse[]

Production Bio-Mass Monster Zeta Monster Reverse. Neon Salmon and Neon Bluegreen with paint applications. Includes Neon Salmon Axis Joint Set. Glyos compatible. 32 parts. Released on December 16th, 2016. $18 each.
