Glyos Wiki
Psychic alien life forms
Vital statistics
Name Crayboth
Species Crayboth
Origin Alcray


This list reflects retail listings for Crayboth sold through the Onell Design store. Additional Crayboth can be found under sister companies such as Cappy Space, Weaponeers of Monkaa, Kabuto Mushi, and Bio-Masters.

For Stowaways (blank figures included with your Onell Design order) please refer to the Crayboth Visual Checklist maintained by Cappy Space.

Character History[]

Psychic creatures from the planet Alcray. Usually travel in pods of three. Armed with an organic Phase blaster. The larger Crayboth are known as Super Crayboth.


Rechlen and Aves Photo Real Guide Excerpt[]

"As always, choosing the right rig means the difference between success and failure. Due to the "Sporebog" environment of planet Alcray, the Nava and the Big Wheel are logical choices. The Crayboth can move at very high speeds by using their limbs to hurl themselves in any direction. The fact that they can dive through the soft walls of their nests also gives them an advantage when being pursued. The Nava is able to keep up with the speed of the Crayboth and follow where the sneaky creatures go."

Reflex Suit Compact[]

"Used for cleaning up Crayboth infestations on Planet Alcray's mining sites, the Reflex Suit Compact can completely encase the operator for added protection. It has excellent climbing capabilities and can really take a beating. Parts can be swapped for quick repairs and unexpected situations."[1]


"Glyaxia Command Block Base, located just above the Planet Alcray, where a crew of Glyans steadily work away on a specialized Crayhunter Capture Skiff..."[2]

Glyaxia II: Escape From Block Base[]



Impenetrable to nearly all invaders who dare plunder her secrets, the Sporian planet Alcray now faces the growing dominion of Glyaxia Command... After detecting unusually high levels of subterranean activity beneath the living surface of Alcray from their orbiting Block Base, Glyaxia Command mobilizes a specialized team of Crayhunters to abduct a recently sighted set of rare twin Crayboth...

Flying high above the sporian surface of Alcray, a Glyaxia Command Heavy Armored Rig spots the pair of special Crayboth walking around. Gryganull & Grellanym are quickly caught within its beam and pulled aboard before they know what is happening. Coasting along the outer hemisphere of Alcray is Glyaxia Command Block Base. Within the Experiments Room is teaming with activity. Rigs along the wall, Hub Set drones scurrying along, and any number of Glyans and Protoclones preparing for the next orders to be given.


Warping out

Perched over the flurry of activity, Sarvos Glyaxia Commanders Akurriax and Zerennic watch the action. "Continue the bio data harvesting, regardless of the risk..." ordered Akurriax. "Commander Akurriax," a standard Protoclone interrupted, "Proceeding with this experiment could result in potentially dangerous side effects for the two specimens." The Commander almost scoffed before answering, "You know full well that the only way to break through a Crayboth's natural mental defenses is to overload its core power regulator... Increase the surge output immediately! We must know what they are trying to hide down there on Alcray."

The machines started to hum. "Understood, Commander. Increasing Hyper Phase Bombardment levels." answered the the little Protoclone. Zerennic paused before speaking, "Perhaps we have given them too much power already?" Akurriax wouldn't hear of it, "We must give to receive..."

"Wait..." Zerennic started, before pausing again, "I sense something..." Something was there. "...Do you feel that?" The lights went out.


Hyper Phase Bombardment Program overpowered

"Commander!" a Glyan shouted, "We are under Gendrone attack on the far side of Block Base and sustaining heavy damage. Please send reinforcements at once!!!" The Rebellion had come to their doorstep.

"Let's move! Prepare for Warp!" quickly ordered Akurriax. The little yellow Protoclone spoke up again, "Commander! What about the specimens? We have already activated the Hyper Phase Bombardment Program..."

"You stay and monitor their progress, the rest of us need to go at once!" Akurriax angrily responded. Block Base was more important, it could not fall. Not here, not now. The troops warped out in waves. Lower level grunts taking the first pass at jumping into the middle of a fight followed by their Commanders safely bringing up the rear. In an instant, the Glyaxia Standard Protoclone was all alone with the two Crayboth. The machines started to hum louder and grow red... overload.. it was going to overload! The room flashed white as waves of energy poured off the two Crayboth. The Crayboth had practically turned Nuldireus and Neo Phase as the power surged beyond the safety limits. The Protoclone screaming was the last Glyaxian noise to be heard in that room as everything went solid white.


Freed Crayboth

Color slowly flowed back into the large Experiment Room. Gryganull and Grellanym found themselves a tad stunned, but freed none-the-less from the Glyaxia Command devices. Grellanym attempted to speak, "What happened... Where are we, Gryganull?" The room still hummed red. "I feel a strange energy flowing through me..." he added.

"This is a Glyaxia Block Base, Grellanym" Gryganull answered. Recent events were slowly coming back to him. "I remember now... they took us... as we were headed back from the gathering." There was... something else. "I can feel the energy as well... so powerful..."

Grellanym was getting worried, "We have to get back to Alcray, no matter what it takes!" No time to wait while Glyaxia Command was busy, out the door and into the main hallway they went.


Crayboth warping away


"...that voice!"

Successfully defeating the Heavy Armored Wing and Glyan troopers awaiting them in the hallway, the Crayboth pair Warp out. Grellanym spoke first in the darkness surrounding them, "This place seems to change beneath our very feet! As if the Block Base were alive itself!"

"Whatever Glyaxia Command did to us has increased our power to extraordinary levels!" added Gryganull. "Now we can stop their machines of war with far greater ease than ever before!"


"You will not escape Block Base!!!"

Akurriax's presence could be felt all around them. "Machines of War?!!!" the voice echoed, "You know nothing of which you speak!"

"...that voice!" Gryganull finally spoke. Grellanym noticed it, too. "The one who held us prisoner!" Grellanym blurted out.

Akurriax couldn't help himself. "You cannot leave this place," he gloated, "you will not escape Block Base!!!"

Another hallway awaited full of Glyaxia Command Core Blocks to push them back, but it was the Dark Traveler Glyaxia Standard Soldier who presented a real challenge. As he weakened, Dark Traveler Glyaxia Reverse Soldiers were called in to surround the Standard Soldier until he is fully circled. Still no for the Crayboth pair match, he was defeated. The Dark Travelers vanish at once.


"Time is swiftly folding against us."


Akurriax's presence

"What awful corruption has Glyaxia brought upon the Travelers?" asked Grellanym. "I sensed our ancient enemy's very life force pulsing through those twisted Dark Traveler forms."

"It's the same energy as I felt within the one called Argen..." agreed Gryganull.

Grellanym was puzzled, "The Gendrone we met at the gathering before these events came upon us?"


"Block Base itself is your enemy now..."

"Yes, the very same." Gryganull sadly confirmed. "I could feel a familiar darkness slowly creeping out from behind its shining armor." He paused, "The darkness that is..." It.. no.. he was certain, though. "...the Villser."

"Time is swiftly folding against us." Grellanym noted. "Our clan must be warned of the discoveries we have made here!"

Akurriax's presence surrounded them again. "Truly a noble species..." Akurriax offered, "Though I do admire the tenacity you both have shown, your attempt to gain freedom from this place is in vain." His voice lowered, a touch of anger to it. "Block Base itself is your enemy now..."

Another hallway laid before them. Loyal Glyaxia Protoclones marched forward. Glyaxia Standard Protoclones and Glyaxia Reverse Protoclones in waves to give their Commanders time to arrive. It wasn't enough, the Protoclones fell easily. Glyaxia Commanders Akurriax and Zerennic arrived together and quickly attacked as a one. The force of their power would be overwhelming normally, but the Crayboths were overpowered still from the experiment. Akurriax and Zerennic merged as one larger mega Sarvos before assuming their final dreaded form... the Syclodoc Glyaxia Command Sentinel. Still, the combined forces of Glyaxia Command were no match. With the Syclodoc defeated, the Glyaxia Commanders separated and vanish from the hallway.


Defeated Syclodoc


Core Blocks final warning

Crayboth Gryganull and Grellanym warp out of the hallway to another area. However, the Crayboths are still trapped within the Glyaxia Block Base. " This place seems to have no end!" grumbled Grellanym, "Every move we make feels like it's being manipulated by forces beyond our sight."

"We have no choice but to battle through whatever else Glyaxia unleashes upon us." replied Gryganull. "We cannot give up!"


Enyriun arrives...


To be continued...

The hallway filled with Glyaxia Command Core Blocks. Soon the Crayboths were surrounded.... trapped once again. A loud, angry robotic voice echoed throughout the hallway, "SUGGESTION: YOU CANNOT ESCAPE FROM BLOCK BASE!" Beside Gryganull and Grellanym dropped in a tall Phaseon in dark metallic black. The Gendrone Rebellion blazed in white on the chest. He pointed at the Crayboth and two pink force fields enveloped them. The Phaseon then turned his attention to the Core Blocks. A rumble filled the room as the Phaseon glowed red. The Core Blocks were pushed away by the Phaseon's unseen power. "You're coming with me..." Enyriun stated as a matter of fact.

A King at Heart[]

"The Super Crayboth started life within the "King" Crayboth conceptual drawings, but gradually evolved into a different part of the Crayboth lore, manifesting as a key element in an underlying story arc involving a shared history with the Voss and the Villser. What if the Crayboth had been preparing all this time for the return of the Villser? What dark past had they survived to claim their new home on the Sporian Planet Alcray? These questions frequently rattle around in my demented head, so I really wanted to start exploring the true history of our resident mini menaces. This anniversary release hopefully gets the ball rolling!"[3]

Super Crayboth Glyventure![]

"Attention, Crayhunters! Welcome to planet Alcray, largest sporebog in the known Glyos System! The Rhythemitter we stole from Gatekeeper Viyer will lure the Crayboth into the open. After activating your Axis Armor, capture as many Crayboth as possible to proceed to the next sector. If you're dying to know what the Crayboth are thinking, utilize one of our genetically engineered hunter clones to gather more information and maybe you'll get lucky. Stay alert! Reconnaissance reports that those crusters have something big down there..."

Super Crayboth Psychic Messages[]

  • We like your rhythms.
  • Rhythmic vibrations and harmonic sounds highly stimulate our natural curiosity, almost uncontrollably drawing our attention and interest.

A warning about Argen's Gendrone Empire

  • Our species is centered around psychic communication and energy transference.
  • The North Shore of Alcray is a central point of socializing and trading between the different Crayboth tribes.
  • Crayboth usually operate in pods of three, but occasionally our creation cycle produces a set of true twins, allowing for powerful yet unpredictable dimensional knowledge to be accessed and even manipulated by these types of Crayboth.
  • When joined in a hyper pod formation, our combined power can cause most mechanical systems to fail. The larger the hyper pod, the greater the range of disruption.
  • Most offworlders refer to our living environment as a Sporebog. We find this mildly offensive.
  • Our former masters, the Voss, are considered to be one of the oldest species in the known systems, Zorennor or otherwise.

Powered up Crayboth Hunter Clone

  • The Villser were originally designed by the Voss to be the perfect hunters, capable of altering their base Villser forms to quickly adapt to any environment.
  • Our masters, the Voss, created our race to serve as a psychic energy source and power stabilizer for our metamorphic counterparts, the Villser.
  • Three Voss Biovessels followed us through the Zorennor Rift, in pursuit of our fugitive fleet. If not for a Villser insurrection aboard the Voss Command Biovessel, we would have never won our freedom.
  • When we encountered the being known as the Gliporian during an altercation with two space trappers, our psychic analysis showed that its bio structure had been manipulated by the Voss. The Gliporian's metamorphic abilities and gelnos form greatly mirrored the original Villser core design.
  • The Super Crayboth were engineered to combat the Villser, as well as the Voss.
  • Axis technology must be used wisely, it holds a familiar dark power within.
  • The true force to fear is the Gendrone known as Argen. We have foreseen a rising Gendrone Empire...

Crayboth Frontier[]

Wave 2

Crayboth Pack 1[]

Crayboth Pack 2[]

Crayboth Pack 3[]

Crayboth Pack 4[]

Crayboth Pack 5[]

Experimental Mechanics Division[]

Wave 19

Crayboth Kavirvu[]

Glyos United[]

Wave 20

Zorennor Exploration Division Crayboth Senyrith[]

Stealth Dimension Division[]

Wave 21

Crayboth Neo Voss[]

Clear Aqua Green/no paint apps. $4

Crayboth Smoke[]

Clear Smoke/no paint apps. $4

Nonillia Crayboth[]

Record of the Delphi[]

Wave 22

Crayboth Task Force Volkriun[]

Pappysoup Green/Olive Green with light green eyes and blaster. $4

Hades Force[]

Wave 23

Crayboth Hades Force[]

Black/aqua green eyes and blaster accent. $4

Crayboth Spectre[]

GITD Green/no paint. $4

Armorvors Attack[]

Wave 24

Stealth Crayboth[]

Clear Colorless/no paint. $3

The Council Of Travelers[]

Wave 25

Crayboth Nuldireus[]

Day-Glo Clear Magenta with no paint. $4

Operation: Sonesidar[]

Wave 26

Neo Phase Crayboth[]

Clear Neon Green with no paint. $3

The Reydurran Divide[]

Wave 27

Crayboth Reydurran Science Division[]

Red with no paint. $3

Buildstation: Stealth[]

Wave 28

Standard Crayboth Mk. II[]

Light Orange with painted Pink accents and Pink detail lines. $4

Traveler Hybrid Crayboth[]

Light Blue with painted Grey accents and Grey detail lines. $4

Stealth Crayboth Mk. II[]

Monsters VS Robots[]

Wave 29

Lymerran Crayboth[]

Enigma Source[]

Wave 30

Ivorinium Crayboth[]

Pearlescent White. $3

Neo Gatekeeper Crayboth[]

Revenge of the Armorvors[]

Wave 31

Crayboth Gray Galaxy[]

The Ecroyex Initiative[]

Wave 32

Crayboth Bright Blue[]

Bright Blue $3

Crayboth Dark Blue[]

Dark Blue $3

Crayboth Metallic Pearlescent Red[]

Metallic Pearlescent Red $3

Gliporian Crayboth[]

See: Gliporian Crayboth

The Gamma Conflict[]

Wave 34

Ultra Silver Crayboth[]

Glow in the Dark Crayboth[]

Sullkren's Path[]

Wave 35

Crayboth Martranica[]

Crayboth Hanosyric[]

Glyaxia II[]

Wave 36

Crayboth Gryganull[]

Crayboth Grellanym[]

Crayboth Clone Glyaxia Yellow[]

Crayboth Clone Glyaxia Blue[]

Super Crayboth[]

Wave 38

Crayboth Hunter Clone[]

Grayeen Blue/Redorange paint. $4

Crayboth Disruptor Mk. II[]

Light Purple/Dark Purple paint. $4

Crayboth Mariner[]

Light Blue/Light Magenta paint. $4

Crayboth Cultivator[]

Light Magenta/Light Blue paint. $4

Crayboth Harvester[]

Light Yellow/Green paint. $4

Crayboth Vossonim[]


Crayboth Stealth Mk. III[]

Clear Colorless. $3

Rig Crew II[]

Wave 39

Crayboth Reverse Disruptor Elite[]

Crayboth Pulser[]

Tracker's Way[]

Wave 40


Crayboth Drainer[]

Crayboth Spirico[]

Crayboth Graver[]

Crayboth Electrovoss[]


Volkriun Space Force[]

Wave 41

Crayboth Alcray Standard[]

Crayboth Alcray Reverse[]

Crayboth Metran[]

Metran Security Command[]

Wave 42

Crayboth Marauder Mk. II[]

Crayboth Cosmic Wave[]

Crayboth Trader[]

The Secret Beneath the Ice[]

Wave 43

Crayboth Ankram Searcher[]

Crayboth Golderiun[]

Crayboth Stealth Mk. IV[]

The Sendollest Drifts[]

Wave 44

Crayboth Sentinel Mk. II[]

Crayboth Helioshine[]

Code of the Slayers[]

Wave 45

Crayboth Slayer[]

Crayboth Reverse VSF[]

Manglor Mutation[]

Wave 46





The Black Bridge of Glyosar[]

Wave 47

Orkmogg Horde[]

Dark Brown PVC/ Pale Green paint/ Ceramic Gray accents/ Red accents/ Muddy Green Detail Lines. Features 5 all new paint applications. $6

Dreadvalken Watcher Minor[]

Red PVC/ Dark Maroon paint/ Yellow accents/ Dark Brown Detail Lines. $5

Sabaku Apprentice[]

Ochre PVC/ Light Blue Gray Paint/ Light Tan accents/ Black accents and Dark Gray Detail Lines. $6

The Gendrone War[]

Wave 48

Crayboth Sunstorm[]

Crayboth Dreadvalken Thief[]

Crayboth Stealth Mk. V[]

The Andromeda Effect[]

Wave 49

Reverse Hallowboth[]

Black/ Orange accents/ Yellow accents/ Dark Orange Detail Lines. $5

Crayboth Dark Gliporian[]

See: Crayboth Dark Gliporian

Crayboth Stealth Mk. V[]

Union of Exiles[]

Wave 50

Crayboth Dark Arzaurian Scout[]

Olive Green/ Bone accents/ Black accents/ Dark Green Detail Lines. $5

Crayboth Flesh[]

Enter The Glyarmor[]

Wave 51

Crayboth Dark Spectre[]


Crayboth Type Zero[]

Holiday mystery figure. $5

Esedeth Mobile Patrol[]

Wave 52

Crayboth Esedeth Mobile Patrol Scout[]

Crayboth Trapper[]

Crayboth Bio Paralyzer[]

Call of the Varteryx[]

Wave 53

Crayboth Pyrotellica[]

Crayboth Gotherrus[]

Crayboth Aginnex[]

Crayboth Aginnex Reverse[]

Rift Pioneers[]

Wave 54

Crayboth Neo Nonillia[]


Crayboth Minitrius[]


Crayboth Visiborn Base[]

Mystery Figure $4

Return to Esedeth[]

Wave 55

Crayboth EMP Pod Leader[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Plasma Tracer[]

Mystery figure. 5 total parts. $4 each.

Crayboth Zarmydian Rogue[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Chariot's Keep[]

Wave 56

Crayboth Diversus[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Gatekeeper[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Marezioc[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Clan of the Glyninja[]

Wave 57

Crayboth Ahiru[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Blackbeak Inu[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Buta[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Oozarian Scout[]

5 total parts. $4 each.

Quest of the Quallerran[]

Wave 58

Crayboth Hyper Henshin[]

5 total parts. $4 each.

Crayboth Spectre Mk. II[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Xullioc[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Zekroyas[]

5 total parts. $5 each.


Wave 59

Crayboth Junia[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Ashi[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Usagi[]

5 total parts. $4 each.

Crayboth Neko[]

5 total parts. $4 each.

Capture Run[]

Wave 60

Crayboth Xenodeth[]

5 total parts. $5 each.


5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Waimog[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Lingrem[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Into the Vector[]

Wave 61

Crayboth Tracker Scout[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Outpost Odesskar[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Galaxy Phase[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Henshin III[]

Wave 62

Crayboth Galaxy Redlaw[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Arcosmica[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

The Skate Wars[]

Wave 63

Crayboth Skaterriun[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Zardurac[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Elpherios[]

5 total parts. $5 each.


Wave 64

Crayboth Red Selogo Colonist[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Blue Selogo Colonist[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Xulturri[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Altered Perceptions[]

Wave 65

Crayboth Varellius[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Skullgrey Minion[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Flamewalker[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Shadow of the Villser[]

Wave 66

Crayboth Alcray Mk. II[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Dimension Drifter[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

The Gendrone Alliance[]

Wave 67

Crayboth Gendrone Alliance[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Olldugon[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Order of the Glyknights II[]

Wave 68

Crayboth Warlord Soldier[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Trogillian[]

5 total parts. $5 each.


Wave 69

Crayboth Gendrone Union[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Xycoss[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Glyaxia Rangers[]

Wave 70

Crayboth Villboth[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Glyaxia Ranger[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Task Force Volkriun: The Xenodeth Outbreak[]

Wave 71

Crayboth TFV Scout[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth VRD Trainer[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Mraedis Agents[]

Wave 72

Crayboth Ullmoriun[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Crayboth Norrduna[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

The Albion Paradigm[]

Wave 73

Crayboth Mutorius Raider[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Dawn of the Mechabon[]

Wave 74

Crayboth Sentinel Mk. III[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Strike Team Sendred[]

Wave 75

Crayboth Strike Team Sendred Merc[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Vile Vendettas[]

Wave 76

Crayboth Vamperran[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Marvelous Mutations[]

Wave 77

Crayboth Hando Jr.[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Dreadvalken's Tomb[]

Wave 78

Crayboth Trollspawn Minion[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Dimensional Duplications[]

Wave 79

Crayboth Culproto Psycher[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Hybrid Horizons[]

Wave 80

Crayboth Hyper Mordireus[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Feral Futures[]

Wave 81

Crayboth Rothan[]

5 total parts. $5 each.

Ruthless Restorations[]

Wave 82

Crayboth Ranic Hedger[]

5 total parts. $5

Savage Cybernetics[]

Wave 83

Crayboth Dark Nebula[]

5 total parts. $5

The Wrath of Halkennite[]

Wave 84

Crayboth Parasitic Clone[]

5 total parts. $5

The Neo Frontier[]

Wave 85

Crayboth Biopyre[]

5 total parts. $6

Crayboth Core Stalker[]

5 total parts. $5

Fates Warning[]

Wave 86

Crayboth Hyper Phase[]

5 total parts. $5

Synchronicity in Solitude[]

Wave 87

Crayboth Cerrek Commando[]

5 total parts. $5


Wave 88

Crayboth Ryllcedia Scout[]

5 total parts. $5

Shining Sundowns[]

Wave 89

Crayboth Adubec[]

5 total parts. $5

Sincro Synthesis[]

Wave 90

Crayboth Force Gearius[]

5 total parts. $6


Wave 91

Crayboth Neo Alcray[]

5 total parts. $6

Crayboth Sporian Clone 2-Pack[]

10 total parts. $6

Tale of the Armored Orphan[]

Wave 92

Crayboth Nemica Ghost[]

5 total parts. $6

Crayboth Xenodark[]

5 total parts. $6

The Redlaw Corruption[]

Wave 93

Crayboth Eidrallim Alloy[]

5 total parts. $6

Sundown on Gloucenn[]

Wave 94

Crayboth Gloucenn Guard[]

5 total parts. $6

Alien Aberration Kaisyriax[]

Wave 95

Crayboth Bio Phantom[]

5 total parts. $6

Crayboth Core Aetheric[]

5 total parts. $6

Fires of Pyrosiyer[]

Wave 96

Crayboth Pyrosiyer[]

5 total parts. $6


Wave 97

Crayboth EMD Assayer[]

5 total parts. $6

Crayboth Emissary[]

5 total parts. $6

Granthan Drifters[]

Wave 98

Crayboth Alcrayer[]

5 total parts. $6

Crayboth Granthan Drifter[]

5 total parts. $6

Power-Con 2023[]

Wave 98.5

Crayboth Gartuann Junior[]

Culture Pirates Exclusive. 5 total parts. $6

The Hades Parallel[]

Wave 99

Crayboth Dark Spectre Mk. II[]

5 total parts. $6

Those From Beyond the Edge[]

Wave 100

Crayboth Kydrothi Acolyte[]

5 total parts. $6

Crayboth Hyper Phase Mk. II[]

5 total parts. $6

Leave No Wrong Undone[]

Wave 101

Crayboth Arachniboth[]

Crossover with TheGodBeast. Includes 1 complete Crayboth and select Nemesis parts. 13 total parts. $15

Crayboth Rlyehzoth Fugitive[]

5 total parts. $6

Return to Alcray[]

Wave 102

Crayboth Crayhunter[]

Includes 1 complete Crayboth and 1 Complete Delphi Limb set. 23 Total Parts. $13

Crayboth Armored Alcray[]

Includes 1 complete Crayboth and 1 Complete Delphi Limb set. 23 Total Parts. $13

Crayboth Neo Nebula[]

5 total parts. $6

Crayboth Sentinel Mk. IV[]

5 total parts. $6

Crayboth Marauder Mk. III[]

5 total parts. $6

