Glyos Wiki
Glyaxia Rangers
Faction Glyaxia Rangers
Division of Glyaxia Command
Species Traveler, Glyan
Origin Various
Command Colturren
Rival(s) Redborg Syndicate, Villser

Character History[]

"This specialized division of Glyaxia is focused on dealing with trouble that goes beyond the normal spectrum of threats. With a more subdued and tougher "Real Type" look, the Glyaxia Rangers bravely represent Metran Law in places where there are no traces of it. The Glyaxia Rangers are definitely having a hard time freeing themselves from the guest star's energy charged tentacles.

The base PVC is run in a new darker blue that has a more militarized look. This new blue PVC is definitely closer to Runmaru. I imagine it as a true "Real Type" Glyaxia Blue. Different than Metran and the original Glyaxia blues.

It's true that I will always love Real Type colors more than I probably should. It's the combination of all those 80's Microman catalogs, Gundam MSV kits, Spiral Zone figures and Robotech boxes that did it! "[1]

"The Real Type Glyaxia Rangers was another concept that had been percolating for a bit, influenced in no small part by a potentially unhealthy fixation with the classic Galaxy Rangers[2] cartoon of old. Story-wise, the Glyaxia Rangers also loop into our old Gear's Edge arc, as Gear's parents were affiliated with an early incarnation of their unit (Glyan Rangers) before things went south for Gear's family. We'll be exploring some more Real Type action in our late February/early March release as well."[3]


Glyaxia Rangers[]

"Specially commissioned by Glyaxia Command to neutralize the criminal Redborg Syndicate and its dangerous use of outlawed alien technology near the Edge of Space, the Glyaxia Rangers make their home far beyond the civilized worlds that they are sworn to protect, bravely enforcing Metran Law in places with no trace of it."[4]

Sector 7[]

"Trained within Sector 7 on the Point Cerrek Space Station located above Planet Esedeth, Glyaxia Rangers are each granted access to a highly classified dossier known as the Hades File upon graduation from the Ranger Program. It's rumored that this file contains an "Alternative History" of the Glyos System, revealing to its reader what truly lies behind the shadow of Glyaxia Command."[5]




Glyaxia Rangers Command[]

Glyaxia Rangers Members[]


Glyaxia Command: Cerrek CommandosCombat Team Black SkullCore AethericCore StalkerCrayhuntersCulproto Security ForceDark NebulaEcroyex InitiativeEnigma GuardiansEsedeth Mobile PatrolForce GeariusGatekeepersGloucenn GuardGlyaxia Ivorinium EliteGlyaxia RangersMetran Security CommandMraedis AgentsNeo FrontierNeo GatekeepersNeo Tracker UnitOrdeslin GuardOutpost OdesskarRig CrewRothan Bio RangersSearch Corps AnkramSector XSkaterriun Skull CommandosSpectre CommandosStrike Team SendredTask Force VolkriunVariable Reflex DriverVolkriun Master CommandVolkriun Space ForceUnited Glyan ForcesUnited Glyan Coalition

United Glyan Forces: Classified DivisionEsedeth Desert Assault TeamEsedeth Hostile Environment TeamExperimental Mechanics DivisionGlyaxia Command EliteGlyaxia Outer BattalionRelgost Marine DivisionRelgost Wing DivisionRig Crew White SkullSecticore Tracker UnitSpectre DivisionStealth DivisionStrike Team White SkullTraedian Deep Hunter DivisionWhite Skull Wing Division

United Glyan Coalition: Hades ForceStealth Dimension DivisionTask Force VolkriunVolkriun CommandoZorennor Exploration DivisionZorennor Recovery UnitZorennor Security Force

The Council Of Travelers: Council GuardSonesidar Excavation DivisionSonesidar Rescue UnitSonesidar Defense ForceReydurran Operations UnitReydurran Science DivisionReydurran Engineer Corps

Gendrone Empire: Gendrone RevolutionShock ForceGendrone LegionGendrone RebellionGendrone VoyagerGendrone Ultra CorpsGendrone Spectre ForceSendollest GuardBio HuntersGendrone ImperiumGendrone LiberationGendrone AllianceGendrone UnionMechrostorm

Robo Force: Robo ForceCult of DredShadow WarriorsS.T.A.R. TeamBrotherhood of Hunters

Other: Alienac TroopersArmorvor ArmiesAshi ClanBeast ArmyBloodlust TribeBloodclan TribeBroken Bone ClanCobrusCyberglyansDemorran ArmyBlack Citadel DreadvalkenEcopodElapidsGuardstar CommandosGobonic CommandKirallius GuardKnights of the SliceLava Strike ForceLost Sincroid ArmyM.A.I.M.Marezioc CrewMetrallore CommandosMicrobattlersMonsters VS RobotsMutorius RaidersNaval DeepNekroidsOceanic Mechanics DivisionOrder of the GlyknightsPirate Liner CrewRedborg SyndicateRenegadesSatraku ClanScarabite SquadSelogo ColonistsSenshin ClanSpectre ForceSPEKTRES.P.I.C.E. FleetStarship USAThe Cult of the All Seeing EyeThe BoogiemenThe First ChildrenThe GearoThe Golden ArmyThe OrderThe Party AnimalsThe VeridiohmThe VilhainTMNGTrilobyte KingdomUnion of ExilesVampire TribeVillserVoidrillion CommandWarlords of WorWarriors of EvilWor BoysWorian GuardWorian Royal BrigadeWorian SpecOps UnitX-CorpXycossZarmydianZullen
