Glyos Wiki
Mraedis Agents
Faction Mraedis Agents
Division of Glyaxia Command
Species Traveler, Glyan
Origin Unknown
Command Mraedis
Rival(s) Ullmoriun

Character History[]

"The orange serves as an accent on another set of figures in this wave, with callbacks to more than one old team. Hopefully long time collectors will enjoy the subtle connections when they pop up."[1]

"The base PVC on the Mraedis is pure white, the painted grays are cool versus the warms of Skaterriun, but the orange accents are the same (and also carry through from the recent TFV). Grouped together, these different teams look like a Real Type family reunion!"[2]

"Fully painted to keep everything matching.

We did also run some orange PVC Axis Joints for this wave, but the color didn't come out completely on target (slightly muted), so we had the outside only of the orange scarf painted that comes with Commander Mraedis to stay consistent, but not create a paint on paint scraping situation.

Certain colors are very challenging to 100% match between injection and paint. Orange is one of those colors."[3]

"We put a lot of attention into that loaded Hub Set! Ha! Also tried a new wraparound spray mask on the Traveler chests."[4]


The Ullmoriun Connection[]

"After the events of the Xenodeth Outbreak on Point Cerrek and Planet Esedeth, the Villser started to focus on one unique Gendrone that they encountered during their intense battle with Task Force Volkriun.

If Argen won't join them, perhaps another powerful Buildman will..."[5]

Mraedis Agents[]

"Long thought lost on a now forgotten mission, the enigmatic Commander Mraedis and his Mraedis Agents unexpectedly emerge from the Zorennor Rift, possessing critical intelligence regarding the new Villser threat.

Just as they set their course for Metran, the weary crew is pulled within the metamorphic structure of a massive Villser Biovessel with little chance for escape.

What secrets do the Mraedis Agents carry, and will they survive to deliver them?"[6]


April Preview[]


Mraedis Agents Command[]

Mraedis Agents Members[]


Glyaxia Command: Cerrek CommandosCombat Team Black SkullCore AethericCore StalkerCrayhuntersCulproto Security ForceDark NebulaEcroyex InitiativeEnigma GuardiansEsedeth Mobile PatrolForce GeariusGatekeepersGloucenn GuardGlyaxia Ivorinium EliteGlyaxia RangersMetran Security CommandMraedis AgentsNeo FrontierNeo GatekeepersNeo Tracker UnitOrdeslin GuardOutpost OdesskarRig CrewRothan Bio RangersSearch Corps AnkramSector XSkaterriun Skull CommandosSpectre CommandosStrike Team SendredTask Force VolkriunVariable Reflex DriverVolkriun Master CommandVolkriun Space ForceUnited Glyan ForcesUnited Glyan Coalition

United Glyan Forces: Classified DivisionEsedeth Desert Assault TeamEsedeth Hostile Environment TeamExperimental Mechanics DivisionGlyaxia Command EliteGlyaxia Outer BattalionRelgost Marine DivisionRelgost Wing DivisionRig Crew White SkullSecticore Tracker UnitSpectre DivisionStealth DivisionStrike Team White SkullTraedian Deep Hunter DivisionWhite Skull Wing Division

United Glyan Coalition: Hades ForceStealth Dimension DivisionTask Force VolkriunVolkriun CommandoZorennor Exploration DivisionZorennor Recovery UnitZorennor Security Force

The Council Of Travelers: Council GuardSonesidar Excavation DivisionSonesidar Rescue UnitSonesidar Defense ForceReydurran Operations UnitReydurran Science DivisionReydurran Engineer Corps

Gendrone Empire: Gendrone RevolutionShock ForceGendrone LegionGendrone RebellionGendrone VoyagerGendrone Ultra CorpsGendrone Spectre ForceSendollest GuardBio HuntersGendrone ImperiumGendrone LiberationGendrone AllianceGendrone UnionMechrostorm

Robo Force: Robo ForceCult of DredShadow WarriorsS.T.A.R. TeamBrotherhood of Hunters

Other: Alienac TroopersArmorvor ArmiesAshi ClanBeast ArmyBloodlust TribeBloodclan TribeBroken Bone ClanCobrusCyberglyansDemorran ArmyBlack Citadel DreadvalkenEcopodElapidsGuardstar CommandosGobonic CommandKirallius GuardKnights of the SliceLava Strike ForceLost Sincroid ArmyM.A.I.M.Marezioc CrewMetrallore CommandosMicrobattlersMonsters VS RobotsMutorius RaidersNaval DeepNekroidsOceanic Mechanics DivisionOrder of the GlyknightsPirate Liner CrewRedborg SyndicateRenegadesSatraku ClanScarabite SquadSelogo ColonistsSenshin ClanSpectre ForceSPEKTRES.P.I.C.E. FleetStarship USAThe Cult of the All Seeing EyeThe BoogiemenThe First ChildrenThe GearoThe Golden ArmyThe OrderThe Party AnimalsThe VeridiohmThe VilhainTMNGTrilobyte KingdomUnion of ExilesVampire TribeVillserVoidrillion CommandWarlords of WorWarriors of EvilWor BoysWorian GuardWorian Royal BrigadeWorian SpecOps UnitX-CorpXycossZarmydianZullen

Rechlen and Aves: Gear's EdgeOn the Voss BiovesselMeet Up on IlphimAves VS The Lost Sincroid ArmyCapture Suit ShuffleInside the NestThe Old DaysThe Mech AestheticAmbush on AlcrayThe Junk RoomThe GliporianAulder InfestationSpace Walk

Villser: The Old WarVillser ConfrontationBio Pheyden VS Shadow VillserBio Pheyden Villser MutationTale of the Super CraybothVillaxorianEcho Nexus

Sincroids: Creation of the SincroidsLost Sincroid RevolutionRepoclaimerReflex Suit CompactThe Lost Sincroid ArmyThe Noboto MissionElder TeachingsCliff Travels: Granthan Revisited

Travelers: Crayboth AssaultAlternate RealityCosmic Gladiators: Rock BattleNetherworldsPhase DefenderSmall Crawlers

Glyaxia Command: DiscoveryThe Sarvos ProgramAxis Evolution ProgramRevolution ResumedVariable SuitAt WorkZorennor Exploration DivisionMore ZorennorWedge ControlZED Rig ConversionsZED UpgradesSycloriun Engineered ArmodocThe Ecroyex InitiativeInfrastructureFlatwalkerCloning SpecimensBenevolent CreaturesJourney On NemicaEsedeth Mobile PatrolDouble TroubleThe Creation of CinarCode ZereonPoint CerrekVariable Reflex DriverThe BitkeeperOutpost OdesskarNeo Tracker UnitSkaterriun Skull CommandosEnter the Matryx

Gendrone Empire: Ready to DeployShock ForceMetallic ApproachGendrone Rebellion MaxxVelstryker FormationIndigenous LifeformsArch Phaseon EnyriunThe Gendrone Ultra CorpsGendrone Encounter: Sullkren's PathConnectionsOnce a FriendThe Gamma ConflictThe Sendollest DriftsThe Gendrone WarA Villser CoreRetributionNever Look Back

Lost Children of the Delphi: Armorvor Black Core Survival SuitsThe GranthansDawn of the Varteryx

Quallerran: The Quallerran OriginsMarooned on SyncrosEvolverResearch Vessel Rydine
