Glyos Wiki
Skaterriun-Pathfinder-Unit 1024x1024
Contained Build available!
Vital statistics
Name Pathfinder
Species Unknown
Origin Unknown



Pathfinder parts breakdown

Introduced as a way to expand design possibilities to existing Glyos accessories, Contained Builds use existing parts and present them in a brand new way.

Pathfinder uses 1 Glyarmor armor set (no limbs/heads), 1 Phase Arm/Gobon Blaster set, 2 Swing Joint Sets, 1 Hub Set, 2 Axis Joint Sets, and the associated pins. The average price of a Pathfinder is $22 and contains 73 parts.[1]

Henshin III[]

Wave 62

Pathfinder Hyper Henshin[]

Special Edition build includes 2 Axis Joint Sets, 2 Swing Joint Sets, 1 Hub Set, 1 Phase Arm Set plus a 5-piece Glyarmor set (does NOT include heads or limbs). 73 total parts. $22 each.

Also includes 2 bonus mystery parts (Argen head and Traveler Scarf) for use in a secret alternate build: Hyper Henshin Argenesis. Comes assembled in Pathfinder quadruped form.

