Glyos Wiki
Sector X (OTR)
Faction Sector X (OTR)
Division of Glyaxia Command
Species Traveler, Glyan
Origin Various
Command Commander Scar Pheyden
Rival(s) Glyoids

Character History[]


Mono Wave Sneak

"New stuff is on track for the end of this coming week. Black, gray and white across the boards as well as a few surprises in the mix.

I've been building like crazy and having a lot of fun continuing the Glyanaut construction patterns. These basic colors seem plain at first, but once combined they are probably my all time favorite ones to build with. Something about the simplicity brings me back to my youth. Snake Eyes, Storm Troopers, Clawtron (ha!) and of course Darth Vader all represent the most basic of color styles just to name a few. Our little guys will never reach those iconic levels of design, but it is fun to play in the shadows cast by the old masters. Plus, I can finally make the triple colored Command Pheyden[1] that appeared on this blog back in 2008, the original of which I had to leave in China for a paint master on one of my trips there. More pics will begin rolling out tomorrow as well as the assortment details for the Mono Wave!"[2]


Sector X (Operations, Tactics and Reflex) - a division of Glyaxia Command.[3][4]

Sector X run Glyaxia Command's Operations, Tactics and Reflex program and are featured in the comic Reflex and Passcode game Glyoids. All members of Sector X wear modified armor suits containing parts from Buildman Gendrones and Axis Joint Sets.

Glyoids: Rig Training Simulator[]


Glyoids: Rig Training Simulator

"Glyanaut Cane - You have been selected for training in Glyaxia Command's Operations, Tactics and Reflex program. All OTR trainees must exhibit proficiency in Rig Symbiotic Integration and show combat readiness under any circumstance. Please proceed to Sector X and prepare for orders." Commander Scar Pheyden barked at the trainee. "Yes Commander!" Glyanaut Cane eagerly replied.

"Test your skills and survive the Glyoid forces for 2 minutes. Good luck soldier." After completing the grueling tasks of Operations, Tactics, and Reflex courses Cane found himself in front of The Scar Pheyden Commander once again. "You did good this time Cane, but remember... this is only a simulation!"



Commander leaping over Glyanaut Cane

"Stay in formation soldier, don't get distracted again..." the Glyanaut repeated to himself. "STAY IN FORMATION!" called out Cane's scarred Commander leaping overhead at the Glyoids. "Commander! Pull back!" Cane pleaded, but it was too late. The momentary distraction as the Commander answered left him overwhelmed by the Glyoids. "Cane, finish the mission..." he commanded as a Core Virus was detected. The Axis Armor override began to engage...


Earlier that day, the Commander called for attention. Two fresh Sarvos recruits had arrived for Glyaxia Command's Operations, Tactics and Reflex program -- also known as Sector X. "All OTR trainees must exhibit proficiency in Rig Symbiotic Intergration and show combat readiness under any circumstance." he repeated as if he had given the introduction before -- he had. "Welcome to Sector X, Glyanauts!"

Glyoids were approaching. "Get to your Rigs!" the Commander ordered. "Remember your training and be ready... Not everything is as it appears."

Skaterriun Skull Commandos[]

"After the success of Project Black Skull, Glyaxia Command placed a razor sharp focus on identifying more "advanced" recruits within their various OTR Programs through something called the Marivok Directive."[5]


Glyos Catches Mono, The Rest Of Us Get The Flu[]


Sector X Command[]

Sector X Members[]

Extra Set[]

Extra Set White[]

Sarvos chest, Sarvos pelvis, Sarvos head, Phanost head and Command Scar Pheyden Head with painted eyes (black)

Extra Set Black[]

Sarvos chest, Sarvos pelvis, Sarvos head, Phanost head and Scar Pheyden head with painted eyes (gray)

Extra Set Gray[]

Pheyden chest, Pheyden pelvis, Pheyden head, Govurom head and Scar Pheyden head with painted eyes (white)


Glyaxia Command: Cerrek CommandosCombat Team Black SkullCore AethericCore StalkerCrayhuntersCulproto Security ForceDark NebulaEcroyex InitiativeEnigma GuardiansEsedeth Mobile PatrolForce GeariusGatekeepersGloucenn GuardGlyaxia Ivorinium EliteGlyaxia RangersMetran Security CommandMraedis AgentsNeo FrontierNeo GatekeepersNeo Tracker UnitOrdeslin GuardOutpost OdesskarRig CrewRothan Bio RangersSearch Corps AnkramSector XSkaterriun Skull CommandosSpectre CommandosStrike Team SendredTask Force VolkriunVariable Reflex DriverVolkriun Master CommandVolkriun Space ForceUnited Glyan ForcesUnited Glyan Coalition

United Glyan Forces: Classified DivisionEsedeth Desert Assault TeamEsedeth Hostile Environment TeamExperimental Mechanics DivisionGlyaxia Command EliteGlyaxia Outer BattalionRelgost Marine DivisionRelgost Wing DivisionRig Crew White SkullSecticore Tracker UnitSpectre DivisionStealth DivisionStrike Team White SkullTraedian Deep Hunter DivisionWhite Skull Wing Division

United Glyan Coalition: Hades ForceStealth Dimension DivisionTask Force VolkriunVolkriun CommandoZorennor Exploration DivisionZorennor Recovery UnitZorennor Security Force

The Council Of Travelers: Council GuardSonesidar Excavation DivisionSonesidar Rescue UnitSonesidar Defense ForceReydurran Operations UnitReydurran Science DivisionReydurran Engineer Corps

Gendrone Empire: Gendrone RevolutionShock ForceGendrone LegionGendrone RebellionGendrone VoyagerGendrone Ultra CorpsGendrone Spectre ForceSendollest GuardBio HuntersGendrone ImperiumGendrone LiberationGendrone AllianceGendrone UnionMechrostorm

Robo Force: Robo ForceCult of DredShadow WarriorsS.T.A.R. TeamBrotherhood of Hunters

Other: Alienac TroopersArmorvor ArmiesAshi ClanBeast ArmyBloodlust TribeBloodclan TribeBroken Bone ClanCobrusCyberglyansDemorran ArmyBlack Citadel DreadvalkenEcopodElapidsGuardstar CommandosGobonic CommandKirallius GuardKnights of the SliceLava Strike ForceLost Sincroid ArmyM.A.I.M.Marezioc CrewMetrallore CommandosMicrobattlersMonsters VS RobotsMutorius RaidersNaval DeepNekroidsOceanic Mechanics DivisionOrder of the GlyknightsPirate Liner CrewRedborg SyndicateRenegadesSatraku ClanScarabite SquadSelogo ColonistsSenshin ClanSpectre ForceSPEKTRES.P.I.C.E. FleetStarship USAThe Cult of the All Seeing EyeThe BoogiemenThe First ChildrenThe GearoThe Golden ArmyThe OrderThe Party AnimalsThe VeridiohmThe VilhainTMNGTrilobyte KingdomUnion of ExilesVampire TribeVillserVoidrillion CommandWarlords of WorWarriors of EvilWor BoysWorian GuardWorian Royal BrigadeWorian SpecOps UnitX-CorpXycossZarmydianZullen
