Glyos Wiki
Wave 73
Onell Design Drop
Theme Name The Albion Paradigm
Date 2018-05-29
Time 21:30
Faction(s) Guardstar Commandos, Alienac Troopers, Cyberglyans, Mutorius Raiders
Previous Wave || Next Wave

Onell Design Release[]


  • Deep Space Glyan Cyberglyan - Includes full Glyan figure with both heads plus full hub set and axis joint set. $16
  • Deep Space Glyan Alienac Trooper - Includes full Glyan figure with both heads plus full hub set, 1 Robo Force weapon set, and bonus scarf. $12
  • Deep Space Glyan Guardstar Commando - Includes one full Glyan figure with both Glyan heads, one full Hub Set, one special extra alternate clear colorless w/ painted accents Hub "head" w/ one flesh Switch Pin, one Robo Force Weapon Set and one bonus scarf. $12


  • Phanost Mutorius Raider - Includes fully painted Pheyden head, chest and pelvis, plus Scar Pheyden head, Sarvos head and scarf. $15


  • Quallerran Mutorius Conversion Set - Includes full Noboto figure with both Noboto and Quallerran heads, removable scarf, belt and backpack, plus 2 complete Axis Joint Sets that allow for a variety of possible Evolver and Axillioid build combinations. Also includes 1 Robo Force weapon set, 2 bonus traveler scarves and 4 switch pins. $16




Crossover Release[]

Knights of the Slice


Axis Joint Set[]

Phase Arm Set[]

Swing Joint Set[]

Robo Force Weapons Set[]



Onell Design Drops
2007 :: Wave 1 :: 2008 :: Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5 :: 2009 :: Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9

2010 :: Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12 :: 2011 :: Wave 13Wave 14Wave 15Wave 16Wave 17Wave 18

2012 :: Wave 19Wave 20Wave 21Wave 22Wave 23Wave 24Wave 25

2013 :: Wave 26Wave 27Wave 28Wave 29Wave 30Wave 31Wave 32

2014 :: Wave 33Wave 34Wave 35Wave 36Wave 37Wave 38Wave 39Wave 40Wave 41

2015 :: Wave 42Wave 43Wave 44Wave 45Wave 46Wave 47Wave 48Wave 49Wave 50Wave 51

2016 :: Wave 52Wave 53Wave 54Wave 55Wave 56Wave 57Wave 58Wave 59Wave 60

2017 :: Wave 61Wave 62Wave 63Wave 64Wave 65Wave 66Wave 67Wave 68Wave 69

2018 :: Wave 70Wave 71Wave 72Wave 73Wave 74Wave 75Wave 76Wave 77

2019 :: Wave 78Wave 79Wave 80Wave 81Wave 82Wave 83Wave 84Wave 85

2020 :: Wave 86Wave 87Wave 88Wave 89 :: 2021 :: Wave 90Wave 91

2022 :: Wave 92Wave 93Wave 94Wave 95 :: 2023 :: Wave 96Wave 97Wave 98Wave 99

2024 :: Wave 100Wave 101Wave 102Wave 103Wave 104 :: 2025 :: Wave 105
