Glyos Wiki
Zero Drone
Reconfigurable Mechanoids
Vital statistics
Name Zero Drone
Species Parakonan
Origin Zero


Similar to the Super Zeroid series, the Zero Drone offers a heavier base Zeroids body with the option to combine it with a sleeker Neo Zeroid to unlock a special form.


Zintar Edition[]

"The ZEROIDS® Zero Drone supports his symbiotic partner, Zintar®! To assist in the ongoing operations of the Zeroids®, Zintar has revisited old technology and created the Zero Drone. This reconfigurable mechanoid serves multiple functions in the Zeroid hierarchy: muscle on dangerous missions, spare parts in the event of mechanical failure, or as force sync partner to unleash ultimate power! Matches Zintar exactly for maximum combination possibilities - combine with Zintar to form POWERED ZINTAR, Standard Parakonan kit includes 38 parts."

Parakonan Kit - Zintar Edition. Gray with gray/blue/black paint applications. 38 total parts. Released on August 16th, 2018. $24 each.

