Glyos Wiki
Zobor the Transporter
The Transporter
Vital statistics
Name Zobor
Species Zeroids
Origin Zero


Zobor the Bronze Transporter - Transporter Class with hauler cart.

Zobor has shed his original Prime Zeroids body for a newer Neo Zeroids form when discovered by Maxx Zero and the Robo Force.


See: Darkness Will Fall


Classic Edition[]

"The #ZEROIDS return with another classic edition tomorrow night 1/17/18! ZOBOR returns to toy shelves for the first time since the 60s!"

"This worker robot of the future wants to build a better tomorrow - today! Continuing the Classic Zeroid® Editions started last year with Classic ZINTAR®!"

Production Zobor - Neo Zeroid Classic Explorer Edition. Explorer configuration. Gendrone Union Bronze with silver paint and new tampos. 16 total parts. Can be combined with Maxx Zobor for a special secret mode. Released on January 17th, 2018. $16 each.

Mark II Mini Zeroid Edition[]

"ZEROIDS® - Zobor™ Mark II Mini Zeroid joins the fight! Zintar® creates new versions of his old friends to assist him in the war against Darkness! Zobor takes on all challenges with a positive attitude and his powerful Magnet Arm! Mini Zeroid kit includes 29 parts - one full Hub Set from Onell Design and selected Zeroids parts."

Production Zobor - Mark II Mini Zeroid Edition. Mineon configuration. Orange with white/red-orange paint and tampos. Includes 1 Hub Set. 29 total parts. Released on August 18th, 2024. $14 each.

